Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Shopping Our Stash #443: Plant Life!

Hello, Stash Shoppers!

This challenge is all about plant life!  We are encouraging you to dig into your stash--  I'm guessing you won't have to dig too far-- and make something planty or leafy! 

Here is some inspiration from the awesome team:

Wow, are you ready to craft now, or what???

Once you've created your new planterific masterpiece, please link up below, combining with no more than 13 challenges!


Dotty Jo said...

Super cards, guys! I MUST try and play along as I haven't managed to do so for ages, Jo x

So Smrt said...

Hey, new here. What does “combining with no more than 13 challenges “ mean?

Anita in France said...

Leafy and floral loveliness, ladies ... fabulous inspiration, thank you! Happy to have 'discovered' you! Anita :)

kaartenepidemie said...

Nice cards from the team , thanks for this challenge
Nice weekend.....Epie.