Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SOS #139: Embellish Me

It's Tuesday, and time for a new challenge. This week we ask you to make your own embellishment. This is a great opportunity to use your stash to make something you might need but don't have, which can be just about anything! Think: flowers, faux metal charms, enamel dots, buttons - the possibilities are endless.

One note: The new Inlinkz works a bit differently than the old one did when it comes to labeling your thumbnail when you link up.  Once you put in your URL, the next field defaults to your blog post title, not your name. We'd really appreciate it if you'd change that to your name if you can. Thanks!

Now where was I ... Oh, right. Here's what our ladies have made to inspire your creativity:



Please make sure to check out their blog posts for details on how they made their embellishments. :)

Now it's YOUR turn! Think about what you have in your stash that can be made into an embellishment, use it on your project, then come back here and link us up below so we can see what you've made!

My Linky will be open until Monday, February 24th, at 11:55 pm. To be eligible for our Saturday Shout-out, please limit your total number of challenges to 13, including ours.


Karen P said...

Thank you for the fab inspirations and a great challenge x

Tracy Penney said...

Great DT inspiration. Thanks for the fun challenge.