Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SOS #127: Use Something Already Out On Your Desk

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another challenge, and this week's theme is: use something already out on your desk. You neat people may struggle with this one, but the rest of us are golden.

Here's what our DT gals have done with their crafty remnants:

Now it's YOUR turn! Go scan your work space with your eyeballs and find something you can use on a card or other project. Then make it and come back here to link us up so we can see what you've made!

Mr Linky will be open until Monday, Nov 18th, at 11:55 pm. To be eligible for our Saturday shout-out, please remember to link to no more than 13 challenges, including ours.


Sammy said...

Hahaha... I don't have a craft room, only a desk, so practically everything I own is on my desk... Feels like cheating! lol. x

Donna Hanley said...

Great DT cards here. Well yesterday I would not have been able to find a thing on my desk because I cleaned it and then I made a card and now there is all kinds of things there so off to work at my craft room I go. Have a nice day everyone.

*Vicki* said...

I had to LOL on this one!! I can't even imagine what's sitting left on my desk right now!! IDK if I can pull something together, so hopefully I can make it work.

Beautiful creations by the DT! Thanks for the challenges! ;)

(AJ) ArtJypsy said...

Thank god I didn't clean off my desk yesterday. LOL.

Andrea W said...

Terrific challenge! This was one time I'm glad my desk was messy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a fun challenge and the DT makes are fabulous as always xx

Anonymous said...

fun challenge and pretty cards from the designers! TFS!

Karen said...

Loved this one! Lol..

I finally felt glad my desk was untidy.. ho hum.xx


Karen P said...

Gorgeous DT inspirations and thanks for a great challenge x

Benzi said...

Wonderful creations from the DT with their remnants. What a fun challenge!

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

What lovely inspiration there is. It has been a while since I played but the challenge was perfect.