Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Shopping Our Stash Challenge 79: Odds and Ends and/or Waiting to be Used

Hello everyone!  This week at Shopping Our Stash we have sort of a wordy challenge title because we want you to use up some odds and ends and/or things maybe that have been hanging around waiting for a purpose...so take a look on your crafty table/space and use some stuff- just tell us what it is! You know how you tend to have one  button in a set left over, or three unmatched brads, etc.   If you look at our DT individual blogs and read the details, it will all make sense!  If you are just totally confused- try to use some of your old stuff and tell us what it is.  That's the simple version.

So, here we go:









Don't forget to tell us what odd/ends, etc. you are using in your post and limit your links to a total of 13 challenges including ours!


Anonymous said...

What a great challenge thanks for the fun and inspiration! hugs me x

Karen P said...

great challenge and wonderful creations from the DT - thank you for constantly inspiring us x

scrappymo! said...

Great theme...I have a room full of supplies to use and am on a mission to use them up!
Thanks for the challenge!