Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Shopping Our Stash #388 - Ode to Jessi

Greetings and salutations crafty friends.

We have an announcement and a special challenge coming your way this week.

First, the announcement...as of today, we will be hosting challenges every two weeks instead of weekly.

Our new challenges will still launch on Tuesdays, but this will give you more time to play along.

Our first two week challenge is a special one, as a tribute to our teammate and friend, we are hosting an Ode to Jessi.

As you may know, our design team lost one of our own in December, the very amazing, wonderful, tough, funny, snarky and talented Jessi Fogan.

We want to honour her beautiful and creative soul with projects that are all inspired by Jessi.

To play along, please visit Jessi's Blog and make a project inspired by something that Jessi made. 

Be sure to include a link back to Jessi's blog so we can check out the project that inspired you.

Here are our crew odes to Jessi:

As always, we would love for you to join our crew and play along!

This is a two week challenge, so you have until 11:55 pm (EST) on Monday February 11 to link up your project using the inlinkz below.

Here are a few additional details to keep in mind:
  • Make sure your link is a direct link to your new project, not a generic link to your blog
  • Please, no more than 13 combined challenges, including ours

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Shoutout

Happy Saturday crafty friends!

Thank you for playing in our last week's Hearts on Fire challenge
We had many wonderful entries, but here are our top 3 - in no particular order:

Bobbi's Treasure



Please proudly grab a badge from the sidebar, and hope you will join us for our current challenge called Inspired By Quilting.
Have fun crafting!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

SOS 387: Inspired By Quilting

Hello, crafting friends!

Thanks for stopping by for this week's challenge: Inspired By Quilting!  (January 26 is "Visit your local quilt shop" day...)

Here are some fabulous projects by the design team for your inspiration:


We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Link up your new project below, combined with no more than 13 total challenges, please.

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday Shoutout

Happy Saturday crafty friends!

Thank you for playing in our last week's Winter Blues challenge
We had many wonderful entries, but here are our top 3 - in no particular order:


Joy Wilson
Jane Willis

Please proudly grab a badge from the sidebar, and hope you will join us for our current challenge called Hearts on Fire.
Have fun crafting!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Shopping Our Stash #386 - Hearts on Fire

Hello and happy Tuesday stamping friends!

Chris here, and I've picked a fun and (hopefully) easy challenge for you this week. As the
title suggests, we'd like to see a heart or hearts on your projects. (It doesn't necessarily need to be a Valtentine's Day card) See? Easy peasy!

Let's check in with the SOS Crew to see what they've created:







Ready to play along? Sure you are!

You have until 11:55 EST on Monday, January 21 to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.

Make sure your link is a direct link to your new project, not just a generic link to your blog.

Please, no more than 13 combined challenges, including ours.

Most importantly, have fun! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shopping Our Stash #385 - Winter Blues

Happy New Year crafty friends!

From the crew to you, we wish you a year of blessings & happiness!

Thanks for stopping by today to check out our first challenge of 2019.

Not sure about you, but we are suffering from the Winter Blues!

That means we want to see winter or predominantly blue projects this time around.

Here are the crew creations:


As always, we would love for you to join our crew and play along.

You have until 11:55 pm (EST) on Monday January 14 to  upload your project using the inlinkz below.

Make sure your link is a direct link to your new project, not just a generic link to your blog.

And, please, no more than 13 combined challenges, including ours.