Hello! The SOS Crew is looking to expand with addition of a few more crew mates!
We are a laid-back, drama-free group of crafty ladies who share commenting duties, some help out with posts (not required), and we all pitch in ideas for challenges. You will be able to work ahead as we have challenges set up in advance. You would need to have one project a week uploaded by Sunday evening before the challenge goes live on Tuesdays, and have your post scheduled for Tuesday mornings. We all need mini-breaks now and then, so if you are on holidays, sick, family issues, etc, you can certainly skip a challenge or a few as long as you let us know.
We currently aren't looking for sponsors, but if we do, you would share in any images we might be given to use. Otherwise, there is no "pay"- just a fun group of people to hang out with online and the structure of having projects due weekly-which some of us need to actually accomplish anything! :) We try to focus on using what we already have in our stash instead of acquiring more.
You do not need Design Team Experience to apply, and you can be on other teams as well; just be sure you don't over extend yourself!
Sound like something you would like to do? Our terms are open-ended but we ask for a three month commitment to start with. If you are interested, just shoot me an email at scrappypug@gmail.com OR use the contact me button at the top of the page with SOS DT in the subject line. Include in the email:
blog address, a bit about yourself and current commitments, and anything else you would like to include. ALL types of crafting are welcome-not just cards!
Deadline: July 31, 2012
Those drafted will be notified by email by August 4, 2012.