Check back soon as the details are being worked out!
Basic Info:SOS or Shopping Our Stash is a weekly challenge blog for inspiration and motivation to use our stash of craft supplies. I recently cataloged my stamp collection (rubber only- haven't even touched the digis yet) and am overwhelmed by the number of stamps I had to have that have not seen ink yet! So, I am working my way thru them and decided maybe a challenge blog that encourages us to use what we have on hand might be motivation for and hopefully others too!
While we aren't going to restrict anyone to using only the oldies and goodies in our stash, many of the challenges will be designed to help us use the things that may not have been used before or are gathering dust!
Prizes- no sponsors are planned initially but if of course someone wants to sponsor us we will be happy to oblige! There will be a monthly prize and each entry you submit within that month is a chance to win. So the more you enter, the more chances you will have. In addition, there will be random candy along the way. We will select Top 3 each week and offer those crafters a chance to be featured during the next challenge week.
I will also be on the lookout for Guest Designers to join us for a month at a time.
SOS Crew Members (design team) Requirements: *You can do any type of project... cards ATCS, scrapbooks, mini albums, or whatever you can dream up!
1. Have the time to comment on entries (number we will comment on depends on number of entries, team members, etc. but I will keep it reasonable) with a personalized comment. You don't need to write a novel, but something that reflects you actually read their post and appreciate their work!
2. You must have a blog that you update regularly. I don't care if you have a ton of followers or not, but you have to have a least an average of two posts per week.
3. You have to have a sense of humor and are not horrified by snark or sarcasm? Can you laugh at your bloopers? If you are too serious you might not want to apply. :)
4. You must be able to upload your project no later than Sunday 6 pm CST for the Tuesday Challenge day in the Crew blog and have your post featuring the challenge go live by 7 a.m. CST on each Tuesday. A list of challenges will be available so you can work ahead if you want.
5. You will need to link to the SOS challenge blog on your blog side bar along with DT list and links to our blogs OR if you have a separate page on your blog for DT you can list it there as long as you have the SOS blog logo on the main page!
Since its a new challenge blog- I am asking everyone commit to May 15 thru September 13. If you find for some reason you just can't stand it and want to leave, ( or if something comes up and you can't devote the time needed) we won't chain you up, but want to give the challenge a chance to develop some followers.
What you get in Return:The joy of crafting
My undying gratitude
Being in on the launching of a new challenge and original crew member
Exposure to your work and blog
Any sponsor goodies that come our way
Random goodies from me (think card kits, images for a challenge, supplies, etc.)
Experience and the fun of a team to help you use your stash!
How to apply:Email me at : scrappypug at gmail dot com
with a link to your blog, and a little about yourself as well as how many DT you are currently on or will be from May thru August. You don't have to be on any other Design Team past or present, but please consider your obligations and the time of the year- I know summer is busy for a lot of folks and make sure you are not over-extending yourself.
Deadline for applying:
CLOSED and I will let you know by May 10- the pre-challenge kick off starts May 17 and the first challenge will go up May 24.