
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Top 3 for SOS526 Summer and SOS527 Up, up and away

     Hello crafty friends! 

We are back with our Top choices

In challenge #526 called Summer we had a bunch of lovely entries and here are our Top 3 picks:

For challenge #527 Up, up and away we had some great entries and here are our top 3 choices  - in no particular order:

Please proudly grab a badge from the sidebar.

There is still time to play in our current Don't really need another one... challenge.   


  1. Thanks so much for the pick for Up Up & Away! Such a fun challenge! Congrats to all!

  2. Oh wow so great to see my project in the top 3! Thank you for choosing it! That brightened his day!

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my project as on e of he Top 3 for SOS526 Summer! I ao appreciate the shout out, and congrats to Kathy and Gerrina too!


Thank you so much for your comments!